Sunday, August 19, 2012

Hit me with your sweet love, steal me with a kiss.

Hey everyone! I have some exciting updates, I need to get into. Just trying to keep everyone updated.

- New name & banner!: I changed to my real name, (which is Avery) I felt like it was more appropriate for the direction I want my blog to go into. I also changed the URL (for the same reason) to avrykng, which is basically my full name without the vowels, (very llymlrs of me, not going to deny!) eventually though, I will be getting a domain, and I think I'll change to my whole URL then, again. 

- Lack of updates? I'm not forgetting about my blog, I swear! I actually get on everyday, I just don't know what to blog about. :( I have one idea, but it's a more long-term thing, to be quite honest. So if you have any ideas, please leave them in the comments. Anything beauty, fashion, etc/book related I'll look into.

- Some post ideas? I thought it'd be really cool to do makeup & outfit ideas inspired by my favorite Marina & the Diamonds songs. What do you think, do you like that idea? What's your favorite songs by her? :-) 

I'm also currently working on a "current obsessions" blog post. It's a gradual thing, considering I'm only obsessing over one thing right now, so as my obsessions come, I'll add to the list. :D

Thanks for reading, 

Monday, August 13, 2012

Updates | Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

So I have finally finished Of Mice and Men. In short, cause I don't want to write a review on this, the story was so sad at the end. :( I didn't cry or anything, but ugh I just hated the ending.

I have 7 days until school starts back up. In this time, I need to start & finish Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. And considering that book is well over 500 pages (like 648, to almost be exact) I should have started on it about two weeks ago. I also need to do the work for Of Mice And Men.

On top of that, I have volleyball practice every day for two hours a day, and I also need to get my hair done, beg, borrow or perhaps even steal for a damn phone, and get some other things for school.

Normally, I'd feel pretty overwhelmed, but it's late into the night and I don't get worked up at night, ell unless the work is due in the morning, then yes. Haha. :-)

- A.

Haul - Back to School!

I needed to pick up a few things for back to school, and I wanted to make a blog post on what I got. Considering though that I do not have any way to take a picture at the moment, I took the liberty of finding each product on the online stores.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Back to School Wishlist!

1. Naked 2 Palette: GOT! So I'm pretty much set on eyeshadows, for the whole school year, haha.
Picture Credit: found on

Saturday, August 11, 2012

About Myself!

So, even though I don't want to give out my real name, I still want for people to know a little bit about me.

Name: Is not Ashlind, but it does start with an A. That's why I like to sign my posts "- A."

Age: I also don't want to give out my age, but I will tell you that I am in high school.

Interests: I have many interests, I think they vary because I am a Gemini. But I'm really into beauty, writing, reading, astronomy and photography. These interests do not change.

What I would love to do: I'd love to study abroad. :D I also really want to start doing beauty videos on youtube, along with starting my own novella. I plan on graduating high school with completing AP English, AP Science and AP (I think it's) Global American Studies. And then I want to go to college for either writing or astronomy. :)

How I came up with my url: I'm currently reading the book Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. I've been trying to read this book all summer, and I always found the book really boring. So that's how I came up with 'ofmiceandboredom' But the book is not actually boring, anymore.

Goals for my blog: I don't have specifically any, like I'm not like "oh my god I need to get a ton of followers and have a super popular blog" but I do want to have my blog revolve around books and book reviews, beauty and fashion related posts and maybe tv and movie review. Eventually, I think I'd like to have a full domain name for this.

What I currently want: An iphone (I've gone six! months without a phone), a DSLR to further my interest in photography, and a new laptop, since mine broke over a year ago and I haven't gotten a new one since.

- A.

Figured out how to use blogspot!

Well, I did, kind of. I'm still a little confused on things, but for the most part, what I wanted to do, I got done. :D

I followed quite a bit of blogs today, mainly beauty I think, but I don't remember, haha. Some updates to my blog:

-added a banner/header
-changed the template
-messed with the layout

I might change the header though, I don't really like it, I don't know yet.


- A.

Honorable Mention Songs for my 2012 summer playlist.

Even though these did not make the top 12, they still deserve a shout out, cause quite frankly, any of these could be substituted into the list.

  • Guns and Horses - Ellie Goulding
  • Salt Skin - Ellie Goulding
  • Your Song - Ellie Goulding originally by Elton John
  • Dark Paradise - Lana Del Rey
  • Toxic - Britney Spears
  • Blackout - Breathe Carolina

My top 12 summer 2012 songs!

With Summer coming to an end, I was just like, "what the hell" I might as well post my favorite songs for summer of 2012. I had a ton, considering spotify is my best friend, but these were my all time favorite. Counting them down from 12 to 1, my favorite summer 2k12 songs.

#12: Off to the Races by Lana Del Rey - I got hooked on Lana Del Rey quite a while ago, buying her album for my kindle. This was definitely my favorite song of hers, I ended up making a whole music video in my head.


Do y'all like my little play on Paul Revere's "the British are coming"? ;)
Anyways, my brother's girlfriend has been pregnant for a surprisingly quick nine months, and just yesterday they put her in the hospital for like idk bed rest for a few days, and then eventually they'll induce her, like within four days. She was originally due August 27th, 2012, but apparently they saw something on her ultrasound to want to put her in the hospital. She did have high blood pressure and stuff, so....
She's really nervous, consider she is only 19 and my brother is in Missouri for the army reserve training, he won't be back until the 19th, so most likely he'll come back to a baby. :D My brother feels really bad though, he thinks it makes him look bad for not being there, we all tell him that it isn't his fault and that he can't help it, he went into the army to make some extra money for when the baby arrives. Very responsible. :)
But you know what sucks? We had to postpone(?) the baby shower, it was set for this Sunday. We were planning on baking all these cakes, and I really wanted one to taste those cakes. Lol oh well, until next week!

- A.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Reading Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck.

For someone my age, this is probably the hardest book to understand, that I've ever read. I'm sitting here like

"what the fuck is this"
"what the hell did he just say"
"what is that I don't understand"

Anyways, something else that is very hard for me understand, is this damn blogger/blogspot/whatever. Now, I'm pretty tech savvy or whatever, basically I know what I'm doing 95% of the time, unless they change it. Which, obviously, they changed it. I feel like I'm sitting here like an emotionless cat (ironically, my cat has about 0 emotions) because my blog feels so dull and lifeless, and it's not from the lack of posts, it's from the lack of design.

Now, if there is anyway to put some personality into my blog, would you please help a girl out and show her the ropes of this place?

Wow Jesus Christ.

Blogspot is pissing me off. It's so confusing and I'm getting annoyed with it.